Rewrite module address

If you have two or more modules with the same address, you will most likely want to re-program them, so you can use them together. To do so:

  1. Disconnect all but one modules with the same serial number.
  2. Hold the mode button on the Clackotron 2000 for >5s until the LED above it lights up
  3. Navigate to /rewrite-address?from=...&to=... in your browser where from=... is the current address of the module and to= is the new address you want to give the module.
  4. Note the new address on the module with a pen

So for example, if you have multiple modules with the address 32, connect one of them, enable config mode, and open http://clackotronip:8080/rewrite-address?from=32&to=12 to rewrite its address to 12.